
I am Kenny Nguyen and I am a Full Stack Developer that loves diving into difficult challenges and exploring the worlds of technology. I have completed training in mechanical engineering and psychology, but I moved into Software Engineering and Computer Science so that I can use my adaptability and problem solving skills to help companies achieve their goals in web development.


Languages, frameworks, and libraries I've worked with

  • JavaScript / HTML / CSS

    In short, the languages that power the web.


    React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • RUBY

    A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.


    A web application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications.

  • Python

    Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.

  • Express

    A simple and elegant Node.js framework solution with a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.

  • Mongo DB

    MongoDB is a document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing that you need.

  • Node js

    As an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications.

  • SQL

    SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases.


Dummy Login USER: admin PASS: admin

Coder's Block

Coder's Block is a blogging site where users can create an account and have blogs of their own. Blogs will build and format themselves depending on what the user decides to input. Coder's Block utilizes Ruby on Rails to develop has_many and belongs_to relationships between blogs and the content the user decides to input. Also, Coder's Block has responsive styling and advanced scripting for blog CRUD.

Dummy Login USER: binge PASS: binge


Binge, is an application in which a user can browse and add movies or shows to their own personal watch list and rate them. This application was created following RESTful routes and CRUD. Also, the movies, shows, user information, and user lists are saved into their own respective databases and change with the user's actions. Liquid-express-views was the principal method in the development of the application and its processes.


Pin-It is a social media web-application in which users can create "pins" and collections that can be saved to their personal profiles as well as viewed publicly. This application was created utilized React and TypeScript for the frontend as well as Express and Postgres for the backend API. The application follows RESTful conventions as well as having full CRUD functionality.

Dummy Login USER: admin PASS: admin


Tinker is an application that allows users to build a PC virtually. Tinker allows for users to create their own PCs and put them together from a list of parts as if they were actually shopping. Then, Tinker will automatically save it to their personal list and let them update or delete as they please. Tinker's frontend was made using REACTJs and the backend with Masonite and Python. Authentication was done through Masonite's user controller.

Dummy Login USER: kenny PASS: kenny


uWish, is a shopping list application with a "widget" or "social media" dashboard design. Users can create their own accounts where they can manage their own personal "wishlists". Users can create, read, update, and delete items from their dashboard as they please. Users can also edit their own profiles with their own personalied profile pictures and biographies. This application's frontend was creted using ReactJS and the backend with express. The authentication method was through JWT Token.

Ultimate Minecraft Trivia

The Ultimate Minecraft Trivia Game is a special kind of trivia game. In this trivia game, you can select your character and harness their special abilities. The questions and answers in this game were generated through the utilization of an API. Also, utilizing JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, it has a very nice design inspired heavily from the game of "Minecraft" itself.